Payday 2 Voice Line Mod
Basic Voices Reborn is an upgraded version of the existing Basic Voices mod.It contains every sound line playable ingame listed here : -bnWfOFj40AglCI1dLmAHLH3ydi3Y7uz8/edit?pli=1#gid=0It works the same as its predecessor.
Payday 2 Voice Line Mod
I'm planning on producing my own pd2 combat music mod, however it will only replace combat music but it will feature I Will Give It My All aswell as Break The Rules so stay tuned for those in the coming weeks/months (I can only work when I get time) I also have my own cloaker grabber mod, while it is similar to hand drawn nerd's one mine also adds cloaker voicelines to the grabber so please check it out!
worry not friend, that has been in the workload Doc from the start, for gameplay and personal choice purposes however all the dozer lines I add to the opressor will be different ones from the praetorian as well as been given a deeper pitch
come to think of it, maybe I should add that line in, I originally did want to have 20 lines but the reason I skipped that one was because it wouldn't make a whole lot of since if you're team is getting ****ed and the grunts are calling their situation a colossal goat-****, but i guess you could think of it like they're saying that about your situation.. maybe? idk if more people agree I should add it i will i guess
You'll need the Additional Player Voices mod to get it to work, and you'll need to create a reasonable facsimile of Ash Williams in Skyrim's character creator. Or you can just use the Ash as a follower mod if you prefer to just have Ash follow you around. This is also the source of those 175 recorded Ash lines, so special thanks to vedan77 for making those recordings.